Our Mission & Vision

[…] and build knowledge about plants and wooded landscapes in order to enhance life, preserve nature, and advance sound stewardship practices.  We envision a healthier, more livable world for all by working to bring people and science together to responsibly conserve the land that sustains us and to steward our natural spaces, resources, and communities […]

Land Stewardship Practices

[…] environmental changes on plants. Land stewardship is about our relationship to the land and the ethics behind the decisions we make in how we interact with nature. For Highstead, land stewardship starts on our 100+ acres of gently managed land in Redding, Connecticut. Our stewardship decisions are guided by our commitment to understanding the […]

New science, synthesis, scholarship, and strategic vision for society

[…] HFR generates synthetic publications, cross-site collaborations, and effective outreach to decision-makers that profound ly affect ecological and conservation thinking . Major findings from LTER I-IV that will guide LTER V include: Historical legacies of land use and biotic conditions interact with long-term environmental change, and natural and human-induced disturbances to condition ecological patterns and […]

Highstead Pathways Report

[…] References (Organized by Section) Introduction References Buchanan, M. (2016). Public Conservation Funding in New England Recent Trends on Government Spending in New England . Retrieved from http://www.wildlandsandwoodlands.org/sites/default/ files/Public%20Funding%20LR.pdf Conservation Finance from Niche to Mainstream: The Building of an Institutional Asset Class. (2016, January). Credit Suisse Web site . Retrieved from https://www.credit – suisse.com/media/assets/corporate/docs/about -us/responsibility/banking/conservation […]

New England Conservation Pathways

[…] References (Organized by Section) Introduction References Buchanan, M. (2016). Public Conservation Funding in New England Recent Trends on Government Spending in New England . Retrieved from http://www.wildlandsandwoodlands.org/sites/default/ files/Public%20Funding%20LR.pdf Conservation Finance from Niche to Mainstream: The Building of an Institutional Asset Class. (2016, January). Credit Suisse Web site . Retrieved from https://www.credit – suisse.com/media/assets/corporate/docs/about -us/responsibility/banking/conservation […]

Bird-friendly Forestry Resource Page

[…] https://www.coldhollowtocanada.org /; Contact : info@coldhollowtocanada.org Habitat Requirements and Management Considerations for Forest Birds in New England • Managing Your Woods with Birds in Mind: A VT Landowners Guide : https:// vt.audubon.org/sites/default/files/landowner_packet_5 -2012_small.pdf • Forestry for the Birds Demonstration Sites : https:// vt.audubon.org/conservation/forestry -birds -demonstration -sites • Example Forest Management Plan with Birds in Mind : […]

2011 Massachusetts Commision on Financing Forest Conservation

[…] converted to commercial solar facilities) . 7 Input from 11 stakeholder focus groups conducted by the neutral UMass Boston Office of Public Collaboration could be used to guide this effort. Page 10 Gover nor 1.5 Work with the Massachusetts delegation in the United States Congress to push for the inclusion of fee interests in […]

Tribal Funding

[…] Transportation (202) 513-7714 Email: leroy.gishi@bia.gov All contacts: https://highways.dot.gov/federal-lands/programs-tribal/contact-info Program Overview: https://highways.dot.gov/sites/fhwa.dot.gov/files/docs/federal-lands/programs-tribal/32716/fhwa-tribal-transportation-program-overview.pdf USDOT – Office of Tribal Transportation: https://highways.dot.gov/federal-lands/programs-tribal The BIA Division of Transportation (BIADOT): https://www.bia.gov/bia/ois/division-transportation Program Delivery Guide: https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/other/documents/ott/ttp-delivery-guide.pdf 5 years, ranging from 578-627 M per year ($578,460,000 for FY 2022 o $589,960,000 for FY 2023 o $602,460,000 for FY 2024 o $612,960,000 for […]

Letter to the Editor- Deer Browsing

[…] managers struggling to balance competing demands and interests. 6. Provide real-time monitoring and assessment data to support for– est-level recreation decisions. Recre- ation managers need reliable and valid real-time data on local visitor behavior patterns and management preferences to support informed decision-making. Pres- ently, this level of data support is largely missing. Several forest-based […]


[…] and selection systems that would likely occur only once in the 30- year time period of analysis on any specific acre. Adding these percentages together generates a discount factor for each New England state (e.g., 75.10% for CT, 62.5% for VT) that, when applied to the FIA data on total acres harvested, removes incidental […]