To sprout or not to sprout- multiple factors determine the vigor of Kalmia latifolia (Ericaceae) in southwestern Connecticut

[…] in the Connecticut Arboretum Natural Area. Bull.Torrey Bot. Club 110: 184–194. HOBBS ,N.T. AND R. H ILBORN . 2006. Alternatives to statistical hypothesis testing in ecology: A guide to self-teaching. Ecol. Applic. 16: 5–19. HOBBS ,R.J. AND H. A. M OONEY . 1985. Vegetative regrowth following cutting in the shrub Baccharis pilularis ssp. consanguinea […]

Beyond Butterflies: Habitat Restoration and the Rare Northern Metalmark

[…] will require year-round maintenance to keep invasive plants from outcompeting beneficial butterfly flora. This past summer, Yale Conservation Scholar Beau Martinez worked with Geordie to develop a field identification guide to the invasive plants within the northern metalmark conservation area. The guide includes an annual schedule of invasive removal, by the season. While the guide was created […]

Norwalk Mapping Project Generates New Tool for Cities

[…] value in rural and suburban places between the Hudson and Housatonic rivers in New York and Connecticut. The 2021 project consists of an interactive online map and guide that presents Norwalk, Connecticut, as a case study for strategic mapping in an urban setting. Together, the map and guide broaden the definition of conservation to […]

Highstead ConFi Case Study GLS FINAL

[…] buy-in for protecting the land, and preserved 600-900 jobs that depend on a steady supply of local wood fiber. Other businesses in the area, like lodges and guides, benefitted from the land conservation and were able to protect their jobs as well, all because open access was maintained. Establishing the community forest benefits people […]

Wildlands and Woodlands Stewardship Science- Manual for Long-Term Forest Monitoring

[…] forestland in New England is privately owned, most of these lands remain unmonitored, and management plans are often drawn up from casual rather than systematic observation. This guide is an effort to change this situation in New England. The benefits of W&W Stewardship Science are twofold. Although this manual can be used solely to […]


[…] stic e, & E co lo gy S tu den t V o ic es V id eo P ro je ct I n sp ir e to day’s c o nse rv a tio nis ts w it h y o ur s to ry . C all F or S ubm is […]

RCP Handbook

[…] towards achieving its goals and objectives while increasing their own organization’s potential to succeed. Host Partner Organizations and RCP Steering Committee Members: Use the steps as a guide to examples, tools, methods, activities, and resources to help them make their partnership more effective. Land Conservation Trusts and Other Organizations: Collaborate with peers to access […]

Spring 2009

[…] to 3:00 pmHighstead Open House and Trails Day Members and visitors are invited to explore the new addition to our Barn headquarters and enjoy our new self- guided interpretive trail and brochure. For those who prefer a guided tour, staff will lead walks at 10:30 and 1:00. September 12th – October 30th: Art Exhibition […]


[…] Marra, P. P. 2019. Decline of the North American avifauna. Science, 366(6461): 120–124; DeGraaf, R. M., Yamasaki, M., Leak, W. B., and Lester, A. M. 2006. Technical guide to forest wildlife habitat management in New England. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England. 25 Webster, C. R., Jenkins, M. A., and Jose, S. (2006). […]

Natural Climate Solutions

[…] with the most vulnerability to heat-related illness by developing and disseminating a number of tools, such as: a tree equity score; a climate and health forestry action guide; a tree-planting tool to prioritize areas where trees will have the greatest benefits to the resident population; and city forest credits, a voluntary carbon-plus credit market […]