Conserving the land that sustains us all.

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Highstead unites people and science to conserve nature today for a better tomorrow.

Land Inspires Us

Highstead began in 1982 as an arboretum focused on protecting our land in Redding, Connecticut. Today, we are a champion for land conservation throughout New England and beyond.

Connections Propel Us

We take an integrated leadership approach connecting people, resources, and science to address the urgent environmental challenges we face, with the Wildlands & Woodlands vision lighting the way.

Research Guides Us

We conduct, curate, and amplify research that is vital to securing the attention and resources required for proactive land conservation.

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Explore the Beauty of Butterflies with Victor DeMasi

127 Lonetown Road
Redding, CT 06896
United States



Dragonfly Discovery: Summer Walk

127 Lonetown Road
Redding, Connecticut 06896
United States

Highstead’s latest news, perspectives, stories, research, and events.
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Letʼs work together to conserve the land that sustains us all.