Fall 2014

[…] discussion — what is Highstead today? — has  answers that are clear and  quite gratifying.   Highstead has become  an innovative leader in  conservation, rooted fi rmly  in our home landscape  of Redding, while also  working across Fairfi eld County, the state of Connecticut, and all of New England.  We work at each scale to advance land protection through the demonstration of good  stewardship, strong fi eld-based science, and collaboration with partners.  As the  following text demonstrates, we are also beginning to edge past New England into  New York, Washington, D.C., and beyond to engage in regionally and nationally relevant  policy issues and conservation activities. More is on the horizon, but it is clear that the decision made by our board ten years  ago is validated by the success and great accomplishments of our staff and senior  fellows.  I hope that you continue to follow, engage with, and support these activities into  the future. Ten years ago the Highstead Board decided to expand the  organization’s mission thematically, geographically, and through the  appointment of new staff and two senior fellows.  This fall the board  met with the entire staff to take stock of how far we have come and to  begin discussing possibilities  for the next decade. Highstead To the Members and Friends of Highstead David Foster is Director of the Harvard Forest at Harvard University and President of the Board of Highstead Foundation. Fall 2014 To inspire curiosity […]


Conserving the land that sustains us all. Read More Highstead unites people and science to conserve nature today for a better tomorrow. CollaborationCapacityScienceStewardship Land Inspires Us Highstead began in 1982 as an arboretum focused on protecting our land in Redding, Connecticut. Today, we are a champion for land conservation throughout New England and beyond. […]

Fall 2008

[…] 2008 Last week I arrived at Highstead on a gorgeous morning as the sun lit up the Barn headquarters framing it on the hill against the oak forest and a brilliant blue sky. I sat down minutes later to meet with the staff and remarked that we had much to celebrate and work with. […]

Lichens and related fungi of Highstead Arboretum, Fairfield County, Connecticut

[…] of agricultural activity and timber harvesting. In addition to open meadows and managed horticultural collections, there are significant areas of natural vegetation, which primarily consist of secondary forests. Bedrock geology over most of the site is schist, with frequent boulders and outcrops. There is an area of granitic gneiss in the western part of […]

Wildlands & Woodlands Vision

Wildlands & Woodlands (W&W) is a vision for the future of the New England landscape that has become an initiative of partners of many stripes and missions who value land conservation as an essential tool for improving the health and well-being of nature and society.   The W&W vision has evolved to embrace a broader […]

Fall 2007

[…] must think strategically in defining our role in the world. In this newsletter as we announce the hiring of a new Regional Conservationist, outline our latest re search in woodland ecology, explore the activities of our undergraduate interns, and unveil a new web page the niche that we have defined for Highstead is taking […]

Our History

[…] to responsible land stewardship traces back to 1982, when Elisabeth and James Dudley purchased a parcel of land to build a house in Redding, Connecticut. Their love for this land and their desire to preserve its natural beauty was described in a letter written by Elisabeth Dudley: “…the land which surrounds it is so […]

Fall 2006

[…] processes. Looking Forward 2007 Highstead ThisspringwewelcomedEdFaisonasForestEcologist,apositionestablishedto broadenourresearchandconservationeffortsonnaturallandscapes.Edandhis wifeBrookearefromnorthwesternConnecticutandhehasazoologydegreefrom ConnecticutCollegeandgraduatedegreesinnaturalhistoryandecologyfromthe UniversityofVermontandHarvardUniversity.ThissummerEdextendedourforest ecologystudytoincludethelandofourconservationneighbors–the Townof Redding,ReddingLand Trust,andTheNatureConservancy.Ashereportshere,this projectexpandsHighstead’smissionaswecollaboratewithotherorganizationsto addresstopicswithdirectrelevancetoconservationandlandmanagement. Whilelaunchingneweffortswehavemaintainedourstrongcommitmenttothe HighsteadArboretum.ThisSpringKathleenKitkabeganlong-termmanagement plansforallofournaturalandmanagedlandscapesandcollections.Kathleenhas completeddraftdocumentsfortheKalmia,Azalea,andClethracollectionsaswell astheNative TreeandShrub Walk.Bynextspringwehopetohaveacomprehensive draftoutliningthelong-termdirectionsforourentirelandscape. Lookingahead,wehavemuchtodoaswecontinuetoexpandinpersonnel, programsandcapacity.Ourfirststepistohireanewdirectorwhowillbring strengthsinconservation,education,andecologytohelp guideourgrowing activities.Oursuccesswiththeinternshipprogramhasconvincedustodevelop apermanentprogramofresearchandtrainingforundergraduates.Thiscoming summerweanticipatesupportingthreeormorestudentsinecology,conservation andcollections-basedactivities.Meanwhile,tobroadenourscopeandcomplement excitingdevelopmentsinforestconservationacrosssouthernNewEngland,weare developinganewstaffpositioninregionalconservation.Finally,weareframing planstoexpandourinfrastructure,webpage,andoutreachprogramstosupportthis newlevelofactivity.Ourstaffandnewdirectorwillhavemanyengagingprojectsto pursueasHighsteadlookstothefuture. IwouldliketoendwithawordofthankstoMargaretforguidingHighsteadthrough aprosperousperiodofexpandingprograms,outreachandresearch. Wewishherwell inhernewendeavors. Withmybestwishes, DavidR.Foster  Chairman,HighsteadBoard To the Members and Friends of Highstead continued from […]

Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Resources

[…] how to make it financially viable. Fortunately, there are many NGOs, government agencies, consulting foresters, and other technical assistance providers throughout the northeast ready and able to guide landowners along their forest stewardship journey. In this webinar, learn from representatives from Maine and Mass Audubon, as well as Audubon NY, VT, CT, and Mid-Atlantic […]

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