Spring 2014

[…] 2013. Regional Conservation Partnerships in New England. Journal ob Forestry 111(5): 326-334.? This year Highstead will release a manual bor? RCPs that provides an inbormativ?e and inspirationa?l guide bor collabor?ative conservation. The growing success ob the? innovative RCP movement is the work ob many dedicated? people. We salute and celebr?ate their work to conserve […]

Spring 2010

[…] pm:Highstead Open House and brails Day Walking trails will gbe open for self-gugided tours and visigts to the Laurel Collection in bloogm. For those who prefer a guided tour, Highstead Ecologist, Ed Faison will lead a gwalk for visitors fgrom 10:b0 to 12:b0. Wildlands and Woodlands: Applying the Vision to the Southern New England […]

Lieutenant Faison’s Account of the Geronimo Campaign

[…] August 1886. Nine Apaches were killed between May 17 and September 30, 1885, all by Apache scouts (Bourke 1892). 6Noche. He was considered the finest Ap ache guide in 1885ñ€“1886 (Shipp 2001; Dunlay 1982). 25  7Had Dutchy carried out his threat th at night, it would have been a devastating blow to General Crookñ€™s […]

Highstead ConFi Case Study Overview FINAL

[…] Towns Across New England ‱ Preserved 600-900 jobs at the local paper mill ‱ Increased wood fiber supplies ‱ Ensured open access crucial to the lodge and guide businesses ‱ Increased tax revenue and employment opportunities Grand Lakes Stream, ME Bethel, ME ‱ Access to over 11,300 acres of connected conserved land ‱ Increased […]

America the Beautiful Grant Programs at a Glance

[…] benefiting  at-risk fish, wildlife and plant species, expanding habitat connectivity, and expanding public and community access to nature) on public, Tribal, and/or private lands. See the reference guide to review all 10 program priorities.  Department: US Department of Interior Eligible applicants: States, U.S. Territories, and Tribal-affiliated organizations and governments  Geographic focus: National Non-federal cost […]

Program Overview

[…]  sound  stewardship  practices   Highstead  is a  non ‐profit  organization  dedicated  to the  conservation, understanding,  and  enjoyment of  the      natural  landscapes  of  New  England.   Land Stewardship    Regional  Conservation  www.highstead.net  For  the first  time in  150  years,  our  ecologically  and  economically  valuable forest  cover  is  declining   in  every  New  England  state  due  to  development pressure.  In  response  to  this  threat,  […]

Our Land

[…] unmanaged woodland and wetland habitat as well as managed fields and meadows. This diverse landscape is connected by a 1.5-mile trail that reveals the natural and human forces that shape it. The Highstead grounds have been intentionally managed for land preservation and research. Visitors experience first-hand how both ecologically stewarded land and unmanaged landscapes […]

The Clethra Collection

Guide to the Clethra Collection Sweet Pepperbush Walking near wet or lowland areas in July and August, one can be entranced by a sweet fragrance filling the air. This late summer scent is often noticed before locating sweet pepperbush in t he wild. A member of the white alder family (Clethraceae), sweet pepperbush […]

Wildlands & Woodlands

The Wildlands & Woodlands vision calls for conserving 70% of New England as forest free from development and seven percent as farmland by 2060. Highstead is a lead supporter of the W&W initiative, working in close partnership with the Harvard Forest at Harvard University, the New England Forestry Foundation, and the Northeast Wilderness Trust, […]

Winter at Work on the Ecotype Seed Project

[…] wood asters may not need any stratification, but we do them anyway just to ensure the most germination possible.” Operations Director Geordie Elkins emphasized the importance of testing and experimentation. “There are only a limited number of native plants that are common in the nursery trade and commercially available. There are many native species […]