Walking Trails

[…] a dry-footed swamp walk, and a three-acre man-made pond. Bench seating along the trails invites you to rest in quiet contemplation. Interpretive signs, plant labels, and self- guided tours provide opportunities to get better acquainted with Highstead’s plants and wildlife, landscape history, ecological research, and stewardship activities. Highstead Trail MapDownload Interpretive Trail Guide Enjoy […]

Highstead Invasive Species Guide – Final

-335915 -330200 0 0 4703831 -328175 0 0 -200660 141816 A field Identification Guide to INVASIVE PLANTS Within the Northern Metal m ark Butterfly Conservation area By: Beau Martinez 0 0 A field Identification Guide to INVASIVE PLANTS Within the Northern Metal m ark Butterfly Conservation area By: Beau Martinez 283857 163195 By: Beau […]

Highstead Interpretative Trail Guide

[…] trees and  grassy  understory.   Open, savan‐ nah‐ like habitats  such  as  this  one  are  transient  in  the  moist  climate   of  the  Northeastern  United  States,  swiftly  reverting  back  to   forest  without   continuous  human  or  natural  disturbance  such  as  harvesting  or  fire.   This   area  was  logged  in  1977  and was  maintaine d by  a nnual mowing  and  selec‐ […]

Plan a Visit

Come breathe in the beauty of our forest, enjoy some quiet reflection, and learn about the Highstead landscape. All visitors should sign in at the Barn, where you can pick up our visitor resources. Please note that Highstead is not open on weekends and holidays, and our gates close promptly at 4:00 pm on […]

New Conservation Mapping Tool Helps Visualize Opportunities

[…] exciting new interactive mapping tool designed to aid northeastern conservation practitioners and organizations, including regional conservation partnerships and land trusts in advancing conservation. Using birds as its guide, the conservation mapping tool will support activities such as habitat management plan and stewardship development, land prioritization and acquisition strategies, and landowner and community engagement. This […]

Our Mission & Vision

[…] and build knowledge about plants and wooded landscapes in order to enhance life, preserve nature, and advance sound stewardship practices.  We envision a healthier, more livable world for all by working to bring people and science together to responsibly conserve the land that sustains us and to steward our natural spaces, resources, and communities […]

Land Stewardship Practices

[…] environmental changes on plants. Land stewardship is about our relationship to the land and the ethics behind the decisions we make in how we interact with nature. For Highstead, land stewardship starts on our 100+ acres of gently managed land in Redding, Connecticut. Our stewardship decisions are guided by our commitment to understanding the […]

Science & Stewardship

Science provides a deeper understanding of the inevitable and inescapable changes to the land and helps to in form decisions about its ongoing stewardship. This relationship between science and stewardship has been a priority for Highstead from the beginning, guiding how we interact with our own land and how we support land conservation efforts […]

Conservation & Land Use

[…] to the health of diverse communities of people, there are many factors that go into land use and conservation decisions. We conduct and curate research to help guide the decisions of stakeholders about how land is protected, managed, and developed. Through our work, we look to educate landowners, municipal planners, policymakers, industry leaders, and […]

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