The Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative (NBHCI) is a collaborative effort between Highstead, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Regional Conservation Partnership (RCP) Network, and Audubon groups. The resources on this page provide information for the Regional Conservation Partnership Network to help advance bird habitat conservation in the Northeast.

New in 2022: The NBHCI logo designed by Highstead GIS Intern Jennifer Fuller. Learn more about the featured species here.

NBHCI Events, Resources, and Funding

NBHCI Interactive Mapping Tool

This free, easy-to-use, interactive mapping tool is designed to help conservation practitioners utilize bird data for habitat management plans, stewardship development, land prioritization, land acquisition strategies, landowner and community engagement, and bird habitat conservation efforts. The tool includes downloadable eBird Status and Trends abundance data, along with strategic land conservation data layers, including The Nature Conservancy’s Resilient and Connected Networks Climate data, Protected Open Spaces, and Audubon Important Bird Areas.

All Partners Meeting – January 19, 2023

This was the first gathering of partners from across the northeast and mid-Atlantic involved with or brand new to the Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative (NBHCI). Attendees had opportunities to connect with each other around shared interests and work in bird and bird habitat conservation. The meeting goals were to help partners better understand the NBHCI, connect with other peers in the network, and gather new ideas from on-the-ground bird-friendly management projects.


Forestry Webinars

The Power of Birds in Driving and Sustaining Forest Management within the RCP Network (September 15, 2021, recorded webinar) 
Birds and bird habitats are effective motivators for engaging landowners in being active forest stewards. This webinar takes a closer look at how the RCP Network can utilize birds as ambassadors for sustainable forest management. Hear from Annette Goyne, a private forest landowner participating in the Cold Hollow to Canada RCP Woodlots program, describe how her interest in birds inspired actions to enhance habitat through active management.

Habitat Requirements and Management Considerations for Forest Birds in New England (September 22, 2021, recorded webinar)
Taking actions to enhance habitat for birds begins with taking a “birds-eye view” of the forest. This webinar promotes an understanding of what forest conditions and attributes provide high-quality nesting and foraging habitat for a range of priority bird species found in the northeast. Hear from Dan Kilborn, a forester with the Vermont Land Trust, on how he has integrated bird habitat considerations with other forest management objectives on VLT fee-owned lands.

Bird-Friendly Forestry Practices and Strategies for Landowners (September 29, 2021, recorded webinar) 
Managing a forest with birds in mind is compatible with many other landowner objectives. This webinar explores specific forest management activities and silvicultural options designed to enhance bird habitat while also achieving timber and non-timber forest product, climate adaptation and mitigation, and other ecosystem services goals. Nancy Patch, co-founder of the Cold Hollow to Canada RCP and County Forester with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, provides examples from the field.

Technical and Financial Assistance for RCPs, Conservation Partners, and Landowners (October 13, 2021, recorded webinar) 
For many landowners, a barrier to managing their forest with birds in mind is understanding where to begin and how to make it financially viable. Fortunately, there are many NGOs, government agencies, consulting foresters, and other technical assistance providers throughout the northeast ready and able to guide landowners along their forest stewardship journey. In this webinar, learn from representatives from Maine and Mass Audubon, as well as Audubon NY, VT, CT, and Mid-Atlantic about the services and learning opportunities they provide.

Bird-friendly Forestry Webinar Series Resource List (September through October 2021) 
Resources to support and advance bird-friendly forestry opportunities in your region.

eBird Webinars

NBHCI Mapping Tool Webinar (February 2024)
The Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Mapping Tool is an easy-to-use, interactive tool designed to help Regional Conservation Partnerships, Land Trusts, and practitioners use bird data to support activities such as habitat management and stewardship plan development, land prioritization and acquisition, and landowner and community engagement, all through the lens of bird conservation. This webinar provided an overview of the tool’s data and layers, explored the tool’s functions, and showcased five land conservation professionals who are using the tool and data.

eBird Webinar Series Resource List (June 2021) 
eBird training resources are available for RCP leaders to conduct their own training sessions.

The Power of eBird: Using Information on Birds to Amplify Conservation, Stewardship, and Community Outreach (June 8, 2021, recorded webinar) 
Sara Barker, Cornell Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative Director, and Jenna Curtis, eBird Project Leader demonstrate the power of eBird and how to teach eBird basics at your own workshop.

Conservation Applications of eBird Data and Products (June 15, 2021, recorded webinar) 
This webinar focuses on how to use eBird science data to support activities such as land acquisition, monitoring, and engagement with landowners, stakeholders, and the birding community. Co-presented by Jenna Curtis, eBird Project Leader, and Orin Robinson, Research Associate, Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Other Webinars

Migratory Bird Treaty Act (October 1, 2020, recorded webinar) 
A webinar presented by David Mears, Executive Director, Audubon Vermont, featuring perspectives on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Grassland Bird Programs (June 24, 2020, recorded webinar) 
Jon Atwood, Director of Bird Conservation, Mass Audubon, and Laura Lecker, Technical Director, Ag Allies co-present on Grassland Bird Programs that accelerate farmland protection and management for both birds and farmers through the Ag Allies and Bobolink Projects.

Forestry for Maine Birds (May 28, 2020, recorded webinar) 
Learn how to effectively manage forests with birds and other wildlife in mind, through the lens of Maine Audubon’s Forestry for Maine Birds initiative. Co-presented by Sally Stockwell, Maine Audubon, and Amanda Mahaffey, Forest Steward Guild.


Zoom Meetings with RCPs and Audubon groups in CT, NY, MA, VT, and ME (March, 2020) 
Facilitated discussions between RCPs, Audubon groups, Highstead, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in each listed state around opportunities for collaboration, goal alignment, and potential pilot projects to use as proof of concept.

Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Summit (Harvard Forest) (September 5, 2019) 
A presentation to help summit meeting participants better understand Regional Conservation Partnerships, NBHCI background, identify partner overlap and priorities, and generate ideas for actionable pilot projects and funding opportunities.

Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Presentation (2018 RCP Network Gathering Conference) (November 15, 2018, slides) 
Presented during the emerging landscape initiatives workshop; by Bill Labich, Senior Conservationist Highstead; Sara Barker, Cornell Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative Director; Matt Strimas-Mackey, Data Scientist at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology; and Hallie Schwab, Conservationist Highstead.


Species of Concern Featured in the Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Logo (2022) 
This PDF includes information about the species of concern featured in the NBHCI logo, the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera); Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna); Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina); and Red Knot (Calidris canutus). Logo and PDF by Jennifer Fuller, 2021 Highstead Fall Conservation GIS Intern.